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The Studio Reveal!

What began as a storage building....

...was lovingly (thank you Sweet Hubby) transformed into a bright studio space...

...which was then filled to rafters with LOTS of whimsical, colorful, creative possibilities...it has become my dream studio, and I couldn't be happier!!

(Please keep scrolling - there are LOTS more photos - you can click any photo to enlarge it and see more details)

I'm bringing the story of the studio transformation full circle today as I participate in Susan's Metamorphosis Monday. In addition, I am participating for the first time in Rhoda's Today's Thrifty Treasures because 95% of everything you will see on this tour was a thrifted treasure. I'll point out the highlights as I go along...(you may want to grab a hot beverage of your choice and get comfy - there are a LOT of photos!!)

I'll start off to the left as you enter the studio door...I've set up a work table against the wall in this space for projects that will need to be spread out...

I framed three of my illustrations with thrifted frames painted black with white polka dots added for whimsy...

Notice the peg rack in the previous photo? Here's how it looked before the transformation...

I paid $1 for the peg rack at an outdoor flea market and $.50 each for the pastel tin buckets at an estate sale. I knew I wanted some storage near the work table, but I wanted something colorful and fun...so I was delighted to find both of these goodies just in the last week.  I cut the peg rack down a bit (it was almost 6 feet long), spray painted it pink, then added white polka dots for fun, and attached two sawtooth hangers to the back. All I did with the buckets was punch two holes in each with a tin punch and thread wired gingham ribbon that I already had through the holes and tie it in a bow onto the peg - pretty easy stuff.  I LOVE how it turned out!!

Further in the studio on the left is the desk area. I flanked my desk (which I've had for years) with two oak bookcases which I already had as well...

I decorated the desk area with all of my favorite kitschy 70's framed embroidery pieces and of course my voluminous collection of stuffed animals  :o)

The paint rack (above) was another awesome thrifted find - just $15.00...and that INCLUDES all the paint you see there - between the front and back of the rack there are 104 bottles of paint, 90% of which are brand new, never opened!! Needless to say I was thrilled with this purchase...

I cut up and used a vintage cutter quilt with cute butterflies as valances on all the windows (easy, no sew project)...I also draped a few vintage embroidered linens over the curtain rod too...

The back third of the studio is mostly storage for all the many china, glass, lamps, and wood pieces awaiting transformation...as well as boxes and boxes of laces, trims, jewelry bits, beads and numerous other crafty goodies...

Moving around now to the right side of the studio you'll see one of my favorite thrifted treasures of all time - my $30 couch! I WISH I had taken a before photo...but trust me, the fabric was not the prettiest...but the couch's bones were good and it was solid...

So with a $19.99 king size discount store quilt, and pieces of leftover bargain quilt that I already had (you may recall I used it to make no-sew valances for my livingroom), my Mom and I tucked and tacked and managed to fashion a no-sew slipcover of sorts for it. I used a couple of flower pins that I had on hand to "gather" the slipcover around the arms of the couch...

Finishing out the right side of the studio is a creamy yellow $25.00 garage sale dresser and mirror which provides even more storage...the drawers are filled with fabric...

And finally, the last corner of the studio...this is an oak corner shelf I already had...

I filled it with more fabric, vintage tablecloths, vintage quilts, and ribbon...

Whew!!  That's the whole thing!! I hope you enjoyed your tour as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you! This project has been a real labor of love, and I am DELIGHTED with how it all came together!!

I simply MUST say thank you to the Lord for His provision, His guidance, and His inspiration for this project - to HIM be all the Glory!!

"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11


Now, it's a race to Thursday, October 1st when we open our space at Whispering Willow Gifts and Antiques...lots of gathering, pricing, and re-purposing left to do before then, but it'll be a lot of fun!  I'll be sure to share photos of our space set up next week!  We're so excited!!

Now please head over to Between Naps on the Porch for more Met Monday transformations and Southern Hospitality for more Thrifty Treasures - thanks again to Susan and Rhoda for being such gracious hostesses week to week!!

And thank YOU so much for stopping by...I'd love to hear what you think!!

Have a blessed week friends!!

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