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Mom and Her Dumb Studio (a guest post by Maddie)

Hi, this is Maddie, and since my Mommy is busy AGAIN in her studio, I thought I'd better step in and let you know what she's up to...

She's busy every single day morning until night doing something called "organizing" and something called "decorating" in her dumb studio. All I know is she is no fun when she is doing those things...sure she plays with me sometimes, but not nearly enough for me....  She seems to prefer playing in that room of hers. :o(

I'm just waiting for this whole studio thing to be over so we can get back to normal....

I hope you're not getting too sick of waiting, although I sure couldn't blame you...I know just how you feel...

Mom told me that the wait wouldn't be much longer...maybe just one more day...she said she "promises"...I've heard that before!! There is one glimmer of hope today though...she brought the camera over to the studio, and she usually has the camera out when something good is about to happen...

We'll see...

Meanwhile, please don't give up...maybe our long wait is about to be over. I sure hope so...

Thanks for stopping by!

Love and doggie kisses,

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