My heart is overflowing today with thoughts on friendship, so, I could think of no better place to let it overflow than onto the blog...
The blog title refers to part of the old poem by Joseph Parry:
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change - are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
There's more to it, but you get the idea. I just had a really neat "old friend" experience today with a sweet buddy of mine from my Colorado days, and that's what got me thinking about the joys of girlfriends. I hope you are blessed by girlfriends in your life (forgive me fellas, if any of you are reading this, but this is definitely gonna be a girly post :o)

One of the neatest things we did in the ministry was called H.U.G.S (Hearts United in Grace and Spirit) - we took time in our schedule on Tuesday nights to encourage all the ladies to simply hug others - to share the love of God in a very tangible, personal way...it was a very sweet and powerful time. HUGS also helped coordinate outreach (meals and such) to those who were ill or hospitalized, sent postcards to gals who were absent, and provided HUGS Online e-cards for the ladies to use to encourage one another. (They are still available to send through Just Bee 'n Me - but this area of my site needs alot of work)

Chick Flicks (Dinner & a Movie event ideas)

This is the coolest book!! My sweet BFF wrote several of the fun at-home-girlfriend-night ideas that center on preparing a meal and watching a wholesome movie together. The meal and suggested activities all coordinate with the movie (like making "30-Flirty" pizza for the movie "13 Going on 30") There are also some light discussion topics for the cooking time as well as after the movie. Just a REALLY awesome idea and so very fun and easy to pull together (I got to be a guinea pig for the 13/30 one - what a blast!)
Here's a link to other similar event ideas for doing at home or in other small group gatherings:

These little kits are wonderful! Included is a CD-ROM with all the printed materials and even music, complete instructions and a goody-bag of helpful stuff too in each kit. These are perfect get-togethers for meeting your neighbors, youth slumber parties, small group get-togethers, or anytime when girls gather for fun! Check out the fun and delicious Chocolate Boutique Party Kit !
Other "Girls Night Out" Party Kits and Craft Resources

So, to all my new "silver" friends (who are becoming "gold") in Blogland, I just wanted to share those ideas and encourage you to continue reaching out and being connected with other women - I believe blogging has been so popular and powerful because it provides, to some degree, that connectedness that we all need...it's a wonderful thing, and has meant so much to me to be able to share with so many from near and far, and to pray for and rejoice with you through all the many ups and downs of life. But there are also many women out there who might never see a blog who desperately need the fellowship we all enjoy - keep your heart and your eyes open for them...you never know...you may just find yourself a "gold" friend for life - one of the greatest treasures and God's greatest gifts to us!