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Illustration Friday: Wedding

Well, I would have loved to have taken the time to do something new for Illustration Friday this week, but when I saw that the topic was "Wedding" I knew I would have to post the invitation to my own recent wedding (June 23rd, 2007). I know quite a few of you have seen the artwork I did for my invitations (and you're rolling your eyes right about now saying "not again with the wedding stuff..."), but to some of you in Illustration Friday-land, this will be new. As you can tell by the invitation, it was a different sort of a wedding - very over-the-top country and western - but it was so much fun!

We had T-shirts made (CafePress) with this design that we used as our "going away" outfits. We were so exhausted and sweaty when this photo was taken because we had been dancing for a couple of hours...but gosh, we had a blast!!

And now to go WAY BACK, just for fun, here is a wedding-themed illustration I did circa 1981 when I was working for Christian Enterprises, a Christian gift manufacturer:

Boy, this was really old school - pen and ink (LOTS of stippling), watercolor, and rub-on Letraset letters for the verse (there certainly were no personal computers in those days with Photoshop). Well, the illustration may be outdated, but the scripture verse is timeless:

"Therefore what God has joined together let no man separate." Mark 10:9

John & Becky Schultea
June 23rd, 2007

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