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Doodles at Work

Well, I just got to looking at how much I doodle when I'm at work. It's amazing...and detailed. I generally do this when I am on a mindless conference call, but as the first image shows, I almost always prepare my page for a discussion/meeting with a large capital letter and some sort of flower typically.

I've done this for so long now, I hardly even think about it. I think I've almost perfected a lettering style. Oh well, just thought it would give you a little peek inside my work life.

Must have summertime on the brain here - actually I was hoping to do a 4th of July shirt for my CafePress store, but I'm pretty much too late for that :o( (by the way, I have almost nothing out there...I'm JUST getting started)

(hint) This may be a really early peek at my June submission to A Month of Softies - this month's theme: "June Bug"

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