On my day off Friday I was able to do one of my favorite things - I went shopping at a local flea market. I really wasn't in much of a buying mood (mostly because I already have so much stuff), until I happened upon these teacups. They are modest little teacups - BUT, they are 3 of 4 missing pieces from my china set that I inherited from my grandmother! I've never see them anywhere until now...I've shopped E-bay, etc - no luck. So, now I just need one more of these to have a complete 8 piece teacup and saucer set to go with the ret of the china. Yeah! And at only $1.50 cents each, they were quite a steal to boot.
Once I picked these up, I was suddenly in the mood to buy more stuff, so here are a few other goodies I found:

I was in a pastel mood apparently - except for the brown velvet quilt heart.
The little prayer books were so sweet (from a gentler time - the 50's and the 30's) - and the old-fashioned illustrations are wonderful.
I bought two old cookbooks from the 50's - I love their cover color schemes.

And the photos inside are great fun. When I'm a bit less lazy I'll scan some in and share. I also found a couple of old postcards - I've been gathering a decent collection of these over the past months. I hope to make e-cards from them soon. The last thing I found were these great Golden Children's magazines from the 60s. They are chock full of great children's illustrations - lots of inspiration there. I really will scan some of the great art for show and tell soon. They were just 50 cents each. What treasures!