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Blog posts November 2008

Way Back When-sday: 1978


The night air was cold, humid. It was going to be perfect duck hunting weather. My dad, 40 at the time, my little brother, 9, and a black Labrador named Sugar were heading down the bayou in the bass boat at 8:30 pm on November the 10th, 1978 - heading for the hunting camp. My older brother and …

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And we have a winner...!

Please say hello and congratulations to...

Suzanne of Sugarloaf Cottage!!

Suzanne, thank you SO MUCH for participating in my little giveaway! I'm happy to say that you were the giveaway winner!! - I have had a lovely time reading all through your blog an getting acquainted with you and your new hubby …

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I'm Thankful for Thanksgiving Giveaway!!

I'm Thankful for Thanksgiving Giveaway!!

Hi friends!! Well, in true Becky-style, I do not have the photos for the giveaway ready and we are leaving town shortly for the weekend - BUT - I am still officially kicking off the giveaway today and you are all welcome to participate!! (I just did not want t…

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Welcome November! (just a tad bit late)

(click any image/photo to enlarge)

Actually November came right on time, but I'm the one that's late :o) I know I say this every month, but I can scarcely believe that we are so close to the end of 2008 - it has flown by so incredibly fast!
I am actually really happy to see November here already - I…

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4 blog posts