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Blog posts February 2006

Illustration Friday: Song

I love the topic for Illustration Friday this week: Song. Although I am not much of a singer, I LOVE to sing and do so all day long - in the car, in the shower, in the grocery store along with the Musac (when I momentarily forget where I'm at). I love all kinds of music, but I especially like to si…

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Illustration Friday: Simple

For this week's Illustration Friday topic: Simple, I chose to illustrate a quote from one of my all time favorite children's authors, Laura Ingalls Wilder. For those who may not be familiar with her work, she wrote the "Little House" series of books about growing up during the late 18oo's on the Am…

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Illustration Friday: Chair

I found this quote and thought is was appropriate for this week's Illustration Friday topic: Chair. It is also particularly fitting for my frame of mind. One of the hardest things about moving away to another state was leaving my dear girlfriends behind. I miss them dearly. But they are a part of m…

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Why I'm Back in the Heart of Texas

Well, I thought it was about time that I told you why I moved back to Texas. There's no nifty, easy way to say it: I am getting a divorce. I was married for 22 years, exactly half of my life, and now I am launching into a new life. My wonderful parents have graciously invited me to move in with the…

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4 blog posts